Grants are funded on a reimbursement basis, with the exception of the optional upfront payment of 25% for grantees who indicated this on their application.
Grantees have the option to submit invoices requesting reimbursement for eligible staff and supply expenses up to four times per year throughout their grant term.
Documentation needed for a reimbursement request includes an itemized invoice from your organization for all expenses to date with details such as staff name, material description, services provided. Staff will review these invoices to ensure the expenses connect to the work of the approved grant project. Any expense under $500.00 can be listed on an itemized invoice from your organization. Our contracting terms require you to keep original expense forms for 7 years and we may request originals if needed. For individual expenses greater than $500.00, we require an original receipt or invoice.
Annual and final reporting: All grantees must report on actual project outcomes and deliverables. These metrics may include individuals engaged, water quality related actions taken, educational outcomes or commitments for water protection. November 30th is the annual deadline to submit an invoice and report of project outcomes to date. The term for Partner Grants is now two years. You are required to submit a Final Report through our online reporting system by November 30th for the year the project is complete. If your project spans two years, you will submit a mid-term report and reimbursement request.
Please track your expenses using the Partner Grant Project Reimbursement Template Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (download). Grantees will be prompted to upload this file in the online report. Please contact Lindsay Schwantes (contact information is in the above section) if you need a different format of the template.
For questions about your reporting process, please contact Lindsay Schwantes; contact information is in the section above.