Managing Chloride Pollution
Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) is developing a Chloride Management Plan to guide our work in reducing salt use in the winter and protecting our water bodies, natural resources, and infrastructure from chloride pollution.
Winter weather in Minnesota brings slippery walkways and parking lots. While salt melts ice and can help keep us safe, the chloride in salt harms pets and wildlife, pollutes groundwater, lakes and the Mississippi River, and damages buildings, cars, landscaping, and roadways. There is no environmentally safe option; all de-icing products cause pollution, even those labeled “eco-friendly.”
Melting snow and ice carry salt into storm drains, which flow to lakes, streams, and wetlands. Over the last 20 years, CRWD has been monitoring chloride concentrations in District lakes and stormwater. The monitoring data shows increasing chloride concentrations, which has many adverse long-term effects.