Steve Duerre’s 25 Years of Service with the CAC

At the February 18 Board Meeting, we recognized Steve Duerre for his 25 years of service with Capitol Region Watershed District’s (CRWD’s) Community Advisory Committee, after he retired from the committee. Administrator Anna Eleria, Board President Joe Collins, and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Co-Chair Lauren Wheeler shared appreciation and memories with Steve, and he spoke about his tenure with the organization during the past quarter of a century.

Three Watershed Management Plans and 450 Hours

Established in 1998, CRWD’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC), formerly the Citizen Advisory Committee, assists the Board of Managers with organizational development, planning processes and program implementation. The CAC strengthens the connections between CRWD and District residents.

Steve joined the CAC in December 2000 and has been involved with the District through tremendous growth over the past 25 years. He was here when CRWD hired our first staff member in 2001 (former administrator Mark Doneux) and has witnessed our staff grow in size and complexity to a team of 25 across five divisions.

By our calculations, Steve has devoted well over 450 hours to protecting and improving our lakes and the Mississippi River through his participation in the CAC. Steve has held several leadership positions on the CAC, including serving as the co-chair and then the secretary for many years. He has volunteered at numerous community events on behalf of CRWD.

Steve is one of only two people who were a part of all three of CRWD’s Watershed Management Plans in 2000, 2010 and 2020. Steve weighed in on the plans’ issues, goals and activities, helping guide the work of the District for each decade ahead. He also witnessed the District’s evolving offices, from a small space in Bandana Square in the early 2000s, to rented space along Energy Park Drive, to our current building and demonstration site in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood.

Steve was there when CRWD was working on the Green Line infrastructure project that included building stormwater best management practices (BMPs) along the train route to help control flooding, manage runoff and improve water quality.  A former Minnesota Pollution Control Agency employee, Steve aptly coined the title “Rooting Out Pollution” for the tree trench signs along University Avenue and subsequent tree trench signs around the District.

Thank You, Steve!

Steve has always approached his involvement with the CAC with kindness, thoughtfulness, and positivity, and we will miss his presence. Thank you, Steve, for your unwavering dedication and service to the District.

Fellow CAC members chimed in to share their appreciation for Steve.

I appreciate the knowledge, wisdom, and experiences you shared that helped me better grasp the role of CRWD and the technical aspects of the agency’s work. [And] I appreciate you!  I hope your rest, recovery, and healing time is filled with things you genuinely love to do and experience with people you love and love back.” – Barbara Hall, CAC Member

Steve has been a mainstay of the group. He has provided insight and perspective from his long tenure and has always been a pleasure to know. Everyone wishes him well, and all will miss him” Richard Weil, CAC Member

“Steve, I can’t thank you enough for the many hours of service you’ve given the CAC. You have always been so supportive and so welcoming towards me, especially when I was a newbie. I am grateful for your willing spirit to step in when things needed to get done, and your leadership as a CAC co-chair. I also learned a lot from you about how to be a good CAC member. I wish you the best in health and relaxation.” – Mary Lilly, current CAC Co-Chair

“I have always enjoyed sitting next to Steve during meetings – he always has an extra insight or two that he’d whisper about projects and events that made it all the more enjoyable to attend a CAC meeting. I appreciate all your work as the CAC secretary and hope that we can do half as good a job at taking meeting minutes as you have. Thank you, Steve!Lauren Wheeler, current CAC Co-Chair

Join the CAC

You can become more involved in our community. The CAC is actively recruiting new members from residents within CRWD’s boundaries in Roseville, Lauderdale, Falcon Heights, Maplewood, and Saint Paul. Current CAC members span a wide range of ages and bring a breadth of experience to CRWD, with some members having backgrounds working in natural resources, government and nonprofits. If you live in CRWD and are passionate about protecting our nearby lakes and the Mississippi River, consider applying to join the CAC. View and download the CAC application form PDF.