Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) is seeking a Statement of Qualifications (S.O.Q.) from Twin Cities-based artists for its Watershed Artist in Residence (AiR) program. This two-year position with an option to renew includes opportunities to help shape CRWD’s past, present, and future projects and programs by providing artistic/creative perspectives as part of an interdisciplinary team and facilitating Art + Water community workshops at CRWD’s Watershed Learning Center in collaboration with other local artists. Please visit the Watershed Artist-in-Residence Request for Qualifications page to learn more. The deadline for submittals is October 18, 2024.

Watershed Artist in Residence
Watershed Artist in Residence Program History
The Watershed Artist-in-Residence (AiR) for Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) was launched in 2010 as a shared role with Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD). The collaboration was initiated by the planning process for the Green Line Light Rail, an 11-mile route that connects the downtowns of Saint Paul and Minneapolis located along University Avenue in CRWD. Public Art Saint Paul, a local non-profit working to place artists in leading roles to shape public spaces, improve city systems, and deepen civic engagement, facilitated this Watershed Artist-in-Residence model inspired by their City Artist-in-Residence model.
Artist Cliff Garten’s lecture on “The Expressive Potential of the Watershed” kicked off this work. Subsequently, Public Art Saint Paul convened a workshop that engaged a broad cross-section of water quality experts, environmentalists, social scientists, and artists. Artist and former CRWD Board Manager Seitu Jones was a key advocate in creating the AiR position at CRWD.
Learn more about the history of the Watershed AiR program at the link below.
Former Watershed AiR Christine Baeumler
In 2010, the Board of Managers engaged the services of Public Art Saint Paul and Christine Baeumler as CRWD’s Watershed AiR. This collaboration resulted in the development of the Watershed Language of Art report and identified opportunities for public art in CRWD’s Green Line Project.
Baeumler served as the Watershed AiR until stepping down in 2022. As AiR, Baemler consulted on projects and programs of the District and offered ways that art could help us communicate our mission to protect, manage and improve our water resources. Baeumler offered ideas and recommendations to the District on incorporating themes identified in the Watershed Language of Art report and listed below:
• Making invisible systems visible and/or audible
• Creating features that inspire implementation of new water features
• Recognizing historic waters, pathways and cultural connections
• Translating data into comprehensible and aesthetic experiences
• Creating an aesthetic interface between the natural and built environment
• Creating innovative Best Management Practices
As AiR, Baeumler was instrumental in developing the on-site art at our new building, including the water wildlife sidewalk stamps and exploration game, Mississippi River watershed iron pour, a moving sculpture using Trout Brook Interceptor monitoring data, an etched glass privacy wall with designs from a commissioned painting, and the pocket park interactive display.
Baeumler is a professor and the Department of Art, Interdisciplinary Art and Social Practice Chair at the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts. She is also the artistic director of Backyard Phenology. Baeumler holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.F.A. from Indiana University. She has been awarded fellowships and support from the Bush Foundation, McKnight Artist Fellowship, Minnesota State Arts Board, and other grants and commissions.